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Sponsor a child,
support a family

$45/month provides a child with nutritious food, clean water and discipleship. Additionally, their family will be invited to take part in programs that strengthen the family unit, leading toward community transformation.

Sponsor a Child

Sponsorship Overview

Benefits of Child Sponsorship through Adventures in Missions

When you sponsor a child through Adventures in Missions, you are supporting a family. Our program covers nutritious food, clean water, discipleship, and programs. Our approach has been to empower communities and our 15+ year track record speaks for itself.

Hear from Scott Borg, who has served as the United States side base director for Adventures Eswatini for over a decade. See how our approach toward sponsorship is unique in that we invite families into our programs to bring maximum change potential.

Community in Eswatini Africa

Visit your sponsor child’s community

Develop a lasting relationship with a child by visiting them in their community. Visiting a CarePoint gives more than it costs. The children and community treasure special connections from visting teams.

About Carepoints in South Asia

We are so excited to share what we have been working on in preparation for the grand opening of this ministry. For the past 7 years, God's Spirit has been moving across South Asia. Brave national missionaries, our brothers and sisters in Christ, have preached the gospel in regions that have been isolated from the Truth of Christ until now. Because of this faith boldly walked out, 900 churches have been planted, thousands of souls brought to Christ, and that number is increasing every day.

God has given a vision for these churches not only equipping the saints, but showing the love of God to the vulnerable people of the community they are a part of. This ministry will be designed to reach the 25 most impoverished families in each village. Like previously mentioned, a basic care point will provide food, tutoring, and discipleship for the children of the village. But as the program grows and a carepoint is fully developed, life skills courses, trade school classes, and medical and mental health services will be provided to the families of the children participating in the program.

Right now we have a unique opportunity to empower the local village churches to act out 1 John 4:21 to extend a hand to the neighbors within their village, exhibiting the nature of God to those around them. We would love to see a carepoint in every church that has been planted in this region. But in order to see this through, we need your help. Right now we are starting with 3 villages, but with the help of the Body of Christ the possibilities and the impact we can have on our neighbors are endless.

“And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.” 1 John 4:21

Community in Southeast Asia

South Asia CarePoint Now Live!

We are eager to announce that after much preparation and hard work by our local staff, we are going live with our campaign to fund our new carepoint locations in South Asia! Much like our sister ministry in Eswatini, our carepoints will provide daily food, tutoring, and discipleship to the children within the carepoint community. We look forward to partnering with you in this amazing ministry!

Long-term Sustainability Projects

Help us provide healthy, nutritious food for the children within the CarePoint community in need of a meal.
Help us provide highly nutritious bulk food imported from partner NGOs to lower our operational costs
Supporting this project helps us lower our operational costs
Have a direct impact on the greatest needs in the lives of the people we are invested in.
A home visit food parcel gives our staff an opportunity to visit a struggling family in the community while encouraging them in Christ. Even though...
An education here in South Asia is worth everything for a young man or woman, help us prepare a youngster for a better future!

Transparent, Accountable, and Responsible Sponsorship

When I donate, where does my money go?

When you donate, you trust that we will deliver on our promises to bring your investment to the field in the way you intended. We are committed to openness and transparency in our finances.

Sponsorship funds not only provide food, clean water, discipleship and basic medical care for the child, but also give families the opportunity to participate in CarePoint programs.

As a Special Friend, you have the power to speak into the lives of these children and their families through prayer, encouragement and fostering relationships that can make a difference!

Where do my funds go?

fund graph

90% Program Expenses
• 67% Direct Child and Family Benefit (food, medical, education)
• 23% Field Program Delivery Expenses (staff, operations)

10% General and Administrative

How much money reaches in-country programs?

For every dollar donated, .85 cents reach our in-country programs.

If I decide to cancel my giving, will it be easy to do so?

Yes, we have a dedicated dashboard for each user that makes it easy to adjust giving frequency and amount quickly. 

Instructions on how to cancel:

  1. After logging into account
  2. click "My Account"
  3. click "My Giving"
  4. under recurring gifts at the end of the designation line, click the menu (three small lines)
  5. click edit
  6. click status
  7. select the cancellation option.

For additional help canceling, please contact us!

Is my donation tax-deductible?

Adventures in Missions, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a long-time member of ECFA.

Our platform makes it easy to receive regular giving statements.

Community in Eswatini Africa

Community Development Partnerships

We provide business-friendly partnerships and investment opportunities that support the strategic elements of our mission with professional skills sharing and finances. These partnerships contribute to our vision by engaging in health and wellness programs, staff development, community sustainability projects, and eco-conscious development.