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About Vallala

Viloor is a very picturesque rural village in India’s interior region. The residents belong to the lower caste and work in the nearby fields or do odd daily wage jobs to earn their meager living. Some of them belong to the Banjara community. They belong to castes that segregate them based on their occupations. Some of them are washermen\launderers, shepherds, those who tend to buffaloes, barbers, toddy collectors, farmers, masons, etc. They generally tend to be the higher caste people in the nearby villages. This village, in particular, has both parents working odd jobs to make ends meet while the children stay in a joint family environment where the grandparents care for the younger ones. They have the expense of the school bus that takes them to the school 10 km away. The parents seem keen on educating their children and work very hard to that end.


Welcome to Villala

Distance from nearest city: 22 miles

Meeting Place: Makeshift Church Building

Average high: 94 degF

Average annual rice
consumption per capita:
225 lbs

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